Seharian ini menyambut tamu dari jauh, termasuk menjamu mereka makan siang. Saya pilih restoran di mal sebelah kantor yang menyajikan makanan Indonesia supaya saya gampang pilih menu. Pilihan saya tetap sayur alias Gado-gado (sebenarnya mau Karedok yg lebih rawfood, tapi tidak ada di menu). Itupun sudah wanti-wanti ke pelayannya, alias banyak syarat.. gak pake toge, lontong, kerupuk. Walaupun sempat mikir, kalau bisa ga usah pake bumbu (kacang), tapi ya sudahlah only for today, batin saya. Lalu saat makanan sudah datang, saya ditawari sate (memang pesan sate untuk dimakan rame-rame), tentu saja saya tolak. Mereka pun tanya, kenapa? Saya jawab sekenanya, saya tidak makan daging.
"Really? All kinds of meat? Are you a veggie, because my wife is a veggie, too." Kata salah satu bule itu.
"No, i am not. I am just not in a mint condition so I need to avoid some food."
Lalu mereka memahami, dan melanjutkan percakapan dengan subjek lain. And after finishing our meal, still in the resto, the conversation subject is about the dinner invitation in the Ambassador house. The same person asked, "You're coming right?"
"I'd love to but I am afraid I cant.."
"Mr Ambassador would not take a No for an answer."
"I know, but I am sorry, I have to do some theraphy procedures. As I said earlier, I am not good enough nowadays."
Si bule langsung pindah duduk ke hadapan saya. Obrolan menjadi lebih privat. "What happened?"
Sempat diam beberapa detik. Bingung jawab apa, malas mikir pun. Tidak nyangka juga dia bakal se-kepo ini. Akhirnya, "I have cancer."
Dengan suara pelan, dia merespon. "Oh. Wow. You never know right! So thats why you dont eat meat."
I nodded and smile. "Hey, I still have a high spirit to live, so dont worry about me!"
"Yes you do. You really do!"
Kemudian, obrolan lanjut ke tahap keputusan pengobatan holistik yang saya ambil. He said, "I dont know, I am a scientist, so medical treatment is the only choice I have (if I were you)."
"Yeah I know you would say that. That was also what my brother told me."
"I am sorry, it's not really my business."
"No worries, you're just concerned. Like everybody else. I understand."
"It's difficult, isn't it?"
"Well, the only thing I have in mind is the way I do now. I really hope for the best."
"Good luck for you, then."
Dan saya pun permisi sebentar, untuk beresin bill restoran ini. Lega perbincangan akhirnya selesai. Yuk mariiii...
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